Overseer Jeffrey D. Lane
Pastor Jeffrey Lane is a dedicated, hard working Elder of the Gospel that is not afraid to get his hands dirty. With over 30 years of ongoing responsibility as an Ordained Elder, he knows how to work with people from all walks of life. Pastor Lane’s God-given insight and compassion has lead him to counsel families, couples, and youth. Pastor Lane served faithfully on the Board of Elders for 16 years and Youth Pastor for 10 years at Lighthouse Cathedral under Bishop Charlie Green. He also, served as Adjunct to the Bishop for many years. During this time, God called Overseer Lane to a prayer and consecration that changed his life forever. As God began to speak in his life, God’s Word was confirmed through his Prophets and the urgency of the Call of God was apparent. The plan of the Lord was given to him and on October 4, 2008, he was installed as Senior Pastor.
Overseer Lane’s heart is in preaching Holiness and reaching the souls in the community. He works to reach the needy, the abused, the homeless, and the underprivileged. With years of competence, being responsible for planning, developing, and implementing administrative policies and procedures for both faith-based and community-wide organizations, he is truly the right man for the job. This modern-day Nehemiah brings thirty five years of corporate experience in processing, logistics and quality to the Kingdom of God. It is his aim to please God in everything. Pastor Lane says, “We do what we do with excellence. In everything we do, reach a soul with the power of God."
"Whatever you do, do it with excellence,"
-Overseer Jeffrey D. Lane